The Character

"I don't know who I am."

At the very beginning of her life, Saghani was a rather timid and shy personality. Considering that she grew up in an orphanage, social activities were executed regularly and she shared a room with multiple other children of different races, but it still didn't prompt much of an emotional development when it came down to behaving accordingly. She preferred to be alone rather than receiving all the attention, and would frequently neglect her own needs and wishes in order to please others. Considering all of that, it was hard for her to be 'kicked out' of the orphanage when she came of legal age, not quite knowing where to start. The more time she spent in the real world, however, the better it became. Despite her still rather reclusive demeanour, she soon managed to establish connections throughout Gridania and the Shroud, though was most definitely always seen as the timid, friendly girl of the neighbourhood rather than the scientist conducting illegal experiments behind closed curtains.

"But I know who I am not."

Past all the events that shaped and formed her current characteristic traits, there is nothing that still reminds of the old timid self Saghani had once been. Now, she is brave, straight-forward, and cunning. Instead of being beaten down by all the tragedies that followed her young life suit, she has grown used to it, and chose to utilise it to her advantage. Morals and ethics that have once been part of herself are now missing for the most part, and despite appearing perfectly social and outgoing, she doesn't do or say anything without a second thought dancing in the back of her head; a plan, sort of. She perceives her surroundings and her social environment with the intelligence of a hawk, absorbing information like a sponge. Likewise, she might appear emotionally distant, overly interactive, or even 'faking the politeness' frequently. None of that really bothers her, though. While she clearly enjoys the one or other chat, she would never force her way into anyone's personal boundaries unless it benefits her directly. Her action are fuelled by her own motives, and altruistic shenanigans are near non-existent in her way of handling situations.